Safety in the home

Cutaway houseGas

If you think you have a gas leak call 0800 111 999 immediately. 

If you smell gas:

  • do not smoke or light a match
  • do not turn on light switches or electrical equipment
  • open doors and windows to disperse the gas
  • check if the gas appliance has been left on or unlit, or of the pilot light has gone out
  • turn off the gas supply at the meter if possible
  • leave the property and alert your neighbours

We are responsible for ensuring your gas boiler is serviced annually.  However, if you have a gas cooker, we recommend you arrange for this to be serviced annually by a Gas Safe registered engineer.

We test your smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms when we complete your boiler service.  Please remember to test these regularly


If you experience a power cut contact your electricity supplier. 

To avoid most accidents follow these simple rules:

  • do not run wiring under carpets or rugs
  • check flexes regularly for wear and tear
  • make sure plugs are wired correctly and fitted with the correct fuse
  • always follow the manufacturers instructions
  • do not overload power sockets
  • never take electrical equipment into the bathroom
  • switch off and unplug appliances when not in use
  • use a circuit breaker when operating electrical equipment  outside


Check that you know where your stop cock is so you can turn the water off in an emergency.  Check it every six months to make sure you can turn it on and off. 

Check your hot water settings are not too high and this could scald or burn.

Frozen pipes

If your pipes have frozen:

  • turn off your water supply at the stop cock
  • heat the frozen section gently using hot water bottles or a hairdryer.  Never use a naked flame
  • if the pipe has split, leave it alone until you or a plumber can replace or repair it
  • special emergency tape is available from hardwear shops which will reduce the leakage temporarily


Always be fire conscious and take the following precautions:

  • fit a smoke alarm and check it regularly
  • extinguish cigarettes carefully and don't leave matches or lighters lying around
  • never leave children alone in the home
  • never leave chip pans unattended
  • do not obstruct access ways which could be used as emergency exits
  • use fireguards with open fires
  • don't hang clothes over or around fires, heaters or cookers
  • don't store inflammable products in your home
  • unplug electrical equipment not being used

If your home catches fire:

  • If you can close the door to the room where the fire is
  • make sure everyone leaves the property immediately
  • call the fire brigade
  • do not go back inside

For the latest news advice from the Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service read their page here


We will insure the structure of your property, but not your personal possessions.

We advise you to insure your possessions and any articles you are responsible for under a home contents policy.  This will usually cover you against theft or damage by fire, flood, storm, accident or other disaster.

You are responsible for all glass in your home, including window glass and we recommend that your insurance is extended to cover this.