Residents Association

HHS Residents' Association

The Residents’ Association is open to all current Hundred Houses tenants, leaseholders and shared owners, and is run entirely by our customers.

Please see here the lastest version of the Residents' Association Constitution: HHS Residents Association Constitution - July 2021

Come to meetings to:

  • Represent residents and work positively witth HHS in learning from feedback
  • Decide on local environmental projects to improve the area
  • Help organise customer events

What customers get out of it:

  • Makes a difference to where they live
  • Helps improve HHS services
  • Committee experience
  • Knowledge of housing

Useful skills:

  • Communication Skills
  • Chairing skills – leading discussions at meetings
  • Building positive relationship skills
  • Team work skills - to work well with other customers and the HHS Team

Time and frequency of engagement:

  • Monthly meetings at 5.30pm in the Community Room at HHS Offices 

Dates of forthcoming meetings in 2024:

January 18th, February 15th, March 21th

April 18th, May 16th, June 20th  (Annual General Meeting NB 7.00pm - 8.00pm),

July 18th, September 19th, October 17th, November 21st

For further information please email

The Residents’ Association receives a small grant from Hundred Houses to help with its running costs. They are required to keep accurate accounts on this and to have these independently reviewed.