Have your say
How are we doing?
We'd like to know what you think about our services.
As a customer of Hundred Houses Society, there are lots of ways be involved and change the way we provide services to you. If you are unable to participate in any of the following ways, let us know what would suit you better.
Just let us know!
One of the simplest ways is to tell us about the things you really like or if there is anything we can do better. Message us on Facebook or Twitter or pop into the office to have a chat. You can also contact us by letter, telephone, email info@hhs.org.uk or by completing our on-line form.
We aim to get it right the first time, every time. Sometimes things go wrong, if we've not served you well, we're sorry. Your problems are our problem, we need you to let us know if we haven't got something right.
Complete surveys and questionnaires
Sometimes we send out surveys and questionnaires or may telephone or email you to get your views on a range of our services. For example, if you have a repair carried out, we want to know if you were happy with the works done and the way our contractors behaved.
All responses will be kept strictly confidential and will be used to see how we can improve services.
When we do this we like to know that the results are representative of all views, and for this reason we also ask you to provide details of your age, disability, gender, race and so on. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do contact our customer service team.
Join the Residents' Scrutiny Panel
The Scrutiny Panel was established to make sure that Hundred Houses residents can check that the Society is meeting its regulatory obligations as set out in six national standards (tenant involvement and empowerment, home, tenancy, neighbourhood and community, value for money and governance and financial viability).
The Panel meets with employees to discuss things like new or updated policies and strategies, how we are performing, new services and initiatives. They may also decide to review a particular service in detail and report their recommendations for change to the Board. Training events will also be organised for the Panel members. We pay travel expenses to and from the regular meetings.
To find out more about joining the Scrutiny Panel contact us at info@hhs.org.uk
More information about the Scutiny Panel can be found here Residents Scrutiny Panel
Join the Residents' Association Committee
The Residents Association is run entirely by a committee of residents, including leaseholders, and meets monthly. They also meet with employees regularly. The Committee not only gives feedback on the work we do and influences the way that services are provided, but also arranges social events.
More information can be found here Residents Association
Attend a focus group
From time to time we will invite a small group of residents and leaseholders to meet with us informally for a few hours to review how we provide a particular service (e.g. how we allocate our homes). At the meetings we will ask you to share your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and ideas on the subject. This will help us to write policies and procedures that meet those aspirations, and provide you with good value services.
Go on an estate walkabout
Estate walkabouts are opportunities for residents to meet with employees and to walk around the estate to identify any hotspots, for example areas where there is fly tipping, graffiti or where people tend to gather and cause nuisance. On these walkabouts there is a chance to discuss the problems with employees and suggest possible solutions to help or remove the problem. If you'd like to join in a walkabout email us at info@hhs.org.uk
Meet us at fun days
In the summer months we arrange outdoor events at various locations meet the residents and their families at a fun event. For example we might arrange a barbecue, boat trip or games for the children, and will invite all residents in the area to attend. This is a relaxed way to meet employees and tell us about your views on absolutely anything!
Come to a coffee morning
Coffee mornings are held the first Monday of every month from 9.00 to 11.00 at the Society's offices in Scotland Road, and everyone is welcome to attend. They are organised by the Residents Association, and this is another informal way to express your views and discuss matters with other residents.