Renting a home

Home-Link ( is the choice based lettings scheme for council and housing association properties in the Cambridge sub-region.  When a Hundred Houses home becomes available, it will be advertised on the Home-Link website along with all other available council and housing association properties in the region.

If you are eligible, you can bid for properties when they are advertised.  In order to check your eligibility and have access to bidding you will need to register with your local council or their agent:

Council contact details
Cambridge City Council 01223 457000
East Cambridgeshire District Council 01353 665555
Fenland District Council 01354 354321
Huntingdonshire District Council 01480 388388
South Cambridgeshire District Council 08450 450 5000

Intermediate Rents

Hundred Houses has some homes which are let at intermediate rents. Intermediate rents are typically charged at approximately 75-80% of market rents in the area.  Contact us if you would like to know more about this scheme. To be considered for a vacancy you will need to be registered with Help to Buy East and South East, 03333 214044 or