We want to survey your home!

Our stock condition survey programme for 2024
Since November 2022, HHS have been working with Michael Dyson Associates, who are a surveying company, to carry out stock condition surveys on the homes that we own. These surveys provide us with up to date information about the condition of homes and identify whether any urgent repair works are required.
We have asked Michael Dyson Associates to complete more surveys for us during November and December 2024. Some homes we have previously surveyed will be surveyed again to ensure that the condition data we hold is updated.
What is a stock condition survey?
A stock condition survey is a visual inspection of the inside and outside of your home and will usually take about 30-45 minutes. The surveyor collects information on the condition of your home, looking specifically at two areas:
- Stock condition – the surveyor will assess the age and condition of major elements in your home such as the kitchen, bathroom, windows and doors
- Energy survey – the surveyor will carry out an energy survey, collecting information on features which allow us to calculate how energy efficient your home is.
This survey does not collect information on any outstanding repairs to your home, unless they affect the health and safety of the people in the home.
Why are we carrying out this survey?
The data gathered from the surveys will be used to plan for repairs and future investment programmes.
Who will be carrying out the survey?
Michael Dyson Associates have been appointed to undertake these stock condition sur veys and their surveyors will always have an ID badge and letter of authority from HHS.
If you have received a letter regarding a stock condition survey and would like to book a survey, please contact Michael Dyson Associates on:
Freephone Michael Dyson Associates on 0800 328 9896
Or Michael Dyson Associates local rate number on 01484 668 724
Or via online chat - www.mdyson.co.uk/survey
Alternatively, if you do not want to contact Michael Dyson Associates, you can call us on 0300 303 5770 to arrange a survey time. Please note, if a survey is not arranged, surveyors from Michael Dyson Associates will knock on your door to seek assess for the survey.
What happens after the survey?
Once Michael Dyson Associates have completed all their surveys, they send all the information to us. They do not provide us with written reports for each property so we would not be able to provide you with this.
Whilst Michael Dyson Associates will provide us with recommended re-inspection dates for elements of your home, based on recommended lifecycles, these dates are used to support financial planning only and are not a confirmed year of re-inspection or replacement dates. We will use the data collected to inform us of when we are likely to need to contact you to inspect the condition of part of your home to determine if a replacement is required.
How do I know who the surveyors are?
The surveyors will carry an identity card bearing their photograph, which they will show to you on their arrival. If you are in any doubt do not let them into your home until you have checked with Michael Dyson Associates Ltd by telephoning 0800 328 9896 or by calling us on 0300 303 5770.
If you have any queries, concerns or questions, please contact us.