Hundred Houses out of hours emergency repairs line - Update 20.12.22 | News

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Hundred Houses out of hours emergency repairs line - Update 20.12.22

We would like to apologise for the recent problems some customers have faced when contacting our emergency repairs answering service outside of our usual office hours. Unfortunately, customers have been experiencing significant delays in wait times for their calls to be answered and we accept the service isn’t good enough.

We are working with Careium with whom we have an agreement to provide the out of hours call answering service to understand what has gone wrong and will provide customers with updates this week.

If you have been affected by the recent issues and would like to speak to a member of the team, please call us on 01223 315036 or email,uk during office hours.

UPDATE 20.12.22
Careium have apologised for the long waiting times customers have experienced. They have seen significant increases in call numbers during the spell of cold weather. They now have extra resources in place to answer calls and have promised that there will be sufficient call handlers in place to answer calls for the out of hours service.

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