HHS Customer Census 2024 - your questions answered.....

Customer Census FAQs
Why are we running this census?
Data protection legislation requires us to make sure that the details we hold about our residents is correct. Updating our records allows us to understand more about you and others living in your household. The information we gather allows us to invest in services that are relevant and valued by you.
Who will call me if I’m asked to take part in the telephone survey?
We have asked ARP Research to carry out this survey for us. ARP and their call centre partner Prevision specialise in running surveys like this for landlords across the country.
What will happen to my data?
ARP will keep your information confidential and are not allowed to use your details for any reason other than running this census survey. They also conform to the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We have carried out checks against ARP including their storage of your data. They will not pass your data on to any other companies – this data is for Hundred Houses only.
Further information on how Hundred Houses uses your data is available via the privacy notice online at hhs.org.uk/privacy-policy
How and when will I be called?
Households that haven’t yet taken part in the customer census may be called before or after Christmas, starting on 16th December and ending on 10th January.
Telephone interviews will come from 01908 278308. This is the number of the Prevision Research call centre in Milton Keynes.
Calls are made anytime between 10am and 9.00pm, Monday to Saturday.
Some of the questions are personal, why do you need to know?
We are committed to providing fair and accessible services to everyone. We have a legal obligation to ensure residents are not discriminated against - we will use this information to monitor the take-up of our services and prevent discrimination. However, you don’t have to take part if you don’t want to, nor do you have to answer any question you don’t want to.
I don’t want to take part, take me off your list
Send your name and address details to support@arp-research.co.uk, requesting that you be removed from the census list.