Bidding for improvements

Community iconHave you ever noticed an area of your neighbourhood that could do with a makeover? Noticed a particular problem around where you live? Or have you an idea about what would improve where you live? If this is the case then you can do something about it – make a tenant bid!

Hundred Houses Society has a money set aside for residents who wish to bid for funding to improve the area around where they live. There are only a small number of rules: -

  • The improvement must benefit the whole community
  • There must be high local support from other residents
  • The suggested improvement must be on Hundred Houses Society owned land
  • And have affordable ongoing maintenance costs

The bid could be for anything from adding a sign to a communal area, a new bench, some planting or even a makeover of a communal space. The bid can be for any amount between £50 up to £2,000.  If you have an idea you should contact your housing officer who will be able to help obtain any quotes or even help consult your neighbours so why not get in touch.

Bids are first assessed by the Residents’ Association committee to make sure that they are appropriate and benefit the community and then finally by Hundred Houses Society to ensure that any issues have been covered such as ongoing maintenance costs or health and safety issues. But once approved, the work will be done.

Further information about the process can be found here Terms of Reference for tenant bids 

To make an application for funding download this document Tenants bid - application form